We can take you to the major sporting hot beds around the globe. Each country offers a unique cultural experience whilst the global game remains constant.

For true soccer fanatics if does not get much better than a tour to England, the birthplace of soccer, or football as it to known to millions of fervent fans

. Home of The Premier League and some of the most iconic clubs in world soccer.

Scotland is proud to boast some of the oldest soccer teams, most passionate rivalries and of course the famous “Tartan Army” of supporters. Scotland is the joint oldest national football team in the world an honor shared with England.

Soccer in Italy is something more than just passion, soccer for Italians means tradition. It’s one of the most significant symbols the country has to offer, just like Ferrari, the Coliseum or food.

Spain! Home to Barcelona, Real Madrid and La Liga. Soccer, or Futbol to the Spanish is like a religion, such is the devotion expressed by the Spanish to their beloved sport. A wonderful combination of culture, food and sport in a picturesque country.

Over 350 boys and girls youth teams and over 50 professional soccer teams make Soccer the number one sport in Costa Rica. In many Costa Rica families your professional team alliance is even more important than your political party alliance.

The passion for soccer has truly swept the USA. Soccer is here to stay! Millions of male and female youth players, combined with the increasing popularity and star attraction of Major League Soccer make the USA an ideal destination for touring teams.

Portugal has produced some of the most famous names in world soccer, from Eusebio in the 60’s to Cristiano Ronaldo in the modern era. A country of great beauty and culture, it is also steeped with a tradition of world class soccer.

Brazil represents the beautiful game like no other country. 5 time World Cup champions and host of the 2014 world cup. Beautiful beaches and a culture that breathes the game.

Truth be told, the best thing about Sweden is its natural beauty. Stunning architecture, a rich history and stylish cool that you can see in every aspect of Swedish life. And of course don’t forget that this is a soccer crazy culture with some of the most competitive, well organized soccer tournaments.